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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Holy Crap!!

I  have just done a kb workout using my latest dvd from Lauren Brooks (volume #2) and the workout in total is only 30mins (including warm up) and I can tell you now that it is NOT a good idea to have breakfast beforehand!!! Such a fantastic workout!! My heart rate sits up around the 170-175 bpm for most of the workout (hence why I shouldn't have eaten breakfast first!).  I can usually get my heart rate up to the 160bpm no problems but always struggle to get it past that 160 mark. So, yep for me it's hard!! But a good hard :) 

I also went for a 45min walk this morning so am happy now that I have all of my exercise out of the way because today it is going to be a scorcher!! It's very hot outside!!

Well, it's hard to believe that another week has passed! Even though I am only working 2 days a week my weeks go so much quicker now :(  I ended up taking Eva to the Dr last Saturday because she was so out of sorts with the head cold she has been sufferering from and it turns out that she has a middle ear infection!! Poor little poppett! Bad mummy!! So since she has been on the antibotics she has been a lot better and easier to deal with :)

Ok, off to have a shower so that we can go to the shops once Eva wakes and get some xmas shopping done (grrrr).  I am lucky that I don't have a lot to buy but I still hate doing it just due to the sheer number of people at the shops - drives me nuts!!  For my husband's family (aunts, uncles etc), we usually just buy a box of chocolates but this year we have decided to do something different and have bought a number of World Vision Smile gifts.  Basically you can purchase a chicken for a community in countries such as Africa to help provide them with food etc. Such a good idea I reckon! Here is the link if you are interested:

Have a great weekend!!

Nicole xx

Friday, December 3, 2010

Busy Week & Today's Workout

Gosh, I can't believe it's Friday already!

This week I returned to work (boo!), and I am currently working Tuesday's and Wednesday's.  My mum is looking after Eva on these days until mid Feb when she will go to daycare on Monday's, Tuesday's & eventually Thursday's.  My employer is what I'd call anti- part time workers. Yep, they suck! The only reason I am returning to work is we are going to try for baby #2 (can't believe I am saying that) and it just so happens at this stage that I don't think I will qualify for the new Government paid maternity leave, so I am trying to get another 4 months maternity pay from my employer.

ANYWAY, I start out working two days per week and over time, the number of days I work per week need to increase so that I am eventually working 5 days a week, which sucks but that's just the way it so for now.  This week went well and Eva seemed to be ok being with my mum all day Tues and Wed which was a relief. However poor Eva has been struggling with a nasty head cold for some time that she just can't seem to shake and has left us a little sleep deprived :(  She slept through last night no problems so let's hope it continues!!

Ok, today I managed to get in a quick workout whilst Eva was sleeping:

5 x R one handed swings, 5 x R handed snatches
5 x L one handed swings, 5 x L handed snatches
REST 60 seconds

5 x R one handed swings, 1 x R snatch, 1 x R clean, 5 x R racked squat
5 x L one handed swings, 1 x L snatch, 1 x L clean, 5 x L racked squat
REST 60 seconds

5 x R one handed swings, 1 x R snatch, 1 x R clean, 5 x racked R reverse lunges
5 x L one handed swings, 1 x L snatch, 1 x L clean, 5 x racked L reverse lunges
REST 60 seconds

Repeat 3-4 times

I really enjoyed this workout, although it was cut short by Eva waking up a bit too early! Got my heart rate up which was what I was after and I felt great afterwards. Obviously you can cut down on the rest time in between sets if you feel 60 seconds is too long.

My other exciting news is that today I received Lauren Brooks - The Ultimate Body Sculp & Conditioning with Kettlbells DVD - volume 2 :) I already have Volume #1 and love it, so I am planning on using volume #2 to add some more variety.  I also have a feeling Lauren is about to release another DVD which will include workouts that use a TRX. I have a TRX but have been a bit lazy in using it so this DVD sounds perfect (well, I don't know for sure that is what she is doing but I am guessing!!).  Lauren is an amazing chick with a hot bod and 2 little girls :) I would love for her to come to Australia but if not I hope to meet her one day when I do my RKC (Russian Kettlebell Certification).  Lauren's website is: Lauren has some great articles on her website and blogs regularly.

Have a great weekend!

Nicole xx